Jobberbase Install Guide for Apache
1 Requirements
2 Install Procedure
2.1 Download
2.2 Database setup
2.2.1 Single database hosting
2.2.2 Multiple database hosting
2.3 Environment and code setup
2.3.1 Directory structure and permissions
2.3.2 Translations
2.3.3 Config and environments
2.4 Testing the site
2.5 Admin
Before proceeding, make sure you have PHP 5+ and MySQL 4.1+ installed on your server. Also, Apache modulemod_rewrite has to be enabled and overriding default settings with .htaccess needs to be allowed.
If you are 100% sure that your server meets the requirements then you can skip the following lines and go directly to the first step, else please read on.
To mak sure you have at least PHP 5 and mod_rewrite active, create a file called phpinfo.php and paste the following code into it:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Upload it to your server and access it like this (Note: the path could differ in your case, specially if you’ve uploaded it into a subfolder)
The PHP version should appear in the page’s header. Make sure that it’s at least version 5.
Also, to see that you have mod_rewrite active, search in the page for the string mod_rewrite. If you don’t find it, contact your hosting and ask them to activate this module.
Install Procedure
If the requirements are met, follow these steps:
Download the latest version from (if you haven’t already done this) and unzip it.
Database setup
Before setting up the database, there are some things that you should be aware of: some hosting companies don’t allow you to have more than one database (usually in case of low-end (very cheap or free) hosting plans). If that’s your situation, follow the next step (Single database hosting), otherwise jump to step “Multiple database hosting”.
Single database hosting
If you know that this is your case, then please follow these steps:
You must decide for a string (you can use jb_, for example) which will be prepended to every jobberbase table name. You will have to set this string in the DB_PREFIX field that is described in step 3.
Open jobberbase.sql in a text editor of your choice and use its find & replace feature, as follows (Hint: in the find & replace dialog, there’s usually a button (Replace All, in case of Notepad) for replacing all the occurrences at once):
Replace all occurrences of CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ` (note the ` char ) with CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `THE_STRING_THAT_YOU_DECIDED_ON (for example, CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jb_).
Replace all occurrences of INSERT INTO ` with INSERT INTO `THE_STRING_THAT_YOU_DECIDED_ON (for example, INSERT INTO `jb_).
Save your changes and then open phpmyadmin, select your database and then import your jobberbase.sql file.
Skip step “Multiple database hosting” and continue with “Environment Setup”.
Multiple database hosting
Create a new database and import db/jobberbase.sql into it (usually done from within phpmyadmin).
Note: PHPMyAdmin instructions: Create a new database (example: jobberbase) in the database window and no need to change any of the default settings. Click Go and the database is live. Now click import from the list of menu items in the top section and select the jobberbase.sql file from your local machine. After refesh you should see the list of example content tables on the left side panel. If any of these things did not work for you then you need read the manual that comes with PHPMyAdmin and try again).
Environment and code setup
In order to install jobberBase, you need FTP or SSH access, to upload all the files. jobberBase is software that you host on your server.
Directory structure and permissions
Upload the contents of the public folder to your server. Some users make the mistake that they upload the public folder, but instead you should only upload the files and folders contained in the public folder.
Make sure that the following folders have write permission:
/uploads (uploaded resumes are temporarily stored here)
/_templates//_cache (smarty cache) – by default, YourTheme is a folder called default
/admin/_templates/_cache (smarty cache)
Note: if you are testing it locally using wampserver or MAMP then do this: In windows machine go to folder options and un-check the ‘read only’ option to enable write access. In Mac OSX running MAMP local server first make sure you have administrator access then check to make sure you have full access for the files by clicking ‘get info’ in right click or command click pop up menu for each folder.
Translations are located under the theme folder, i.e. /_templates//_translations.
Translations for text elements in the site (except pages, job category names and others such as these) are located in an .ini file, in the translations folder, the default being translations_en.ini.
Email translations are stored in an xml file, under _translations/_emails, the default being emails_en.xml.
Config and environments
A single jobberBase instance/codebase can run under multiple hosting environments. The config system allows you to define environments (such as the one on your local/development machine, a staging environment and the live/production server).
These environments have to be manually defined in _config/config.envs.php, as PHP arrays. The default environment (suited for local hosting) looks like this:
$__instances['local'] = array(
// should be a unique part of the url (or the entire url if you wish)
'prefix' => 'localhost',
// mysql credentials
'db_host' => 'localhost',
'db_port' => 3306,
'db_user' => 'root',
'db_password' => '',
'db_name' => 'jobberbase',
'db_prefix' => '',
// your site's full url
'app_url' => 'http://localhost/jobberbase/trunk/public/',
// error reporting
'ini_error_reporting' => E_ALL,
'ini_display_errors' => 'On',
// environment setting 1 (use 'local' for localhost/testing OR 'online' for live, production environment)
'location' => 'local',
// environment setting 2 (use 'dev' together with 'local' in the previous setting OR 'prod' with 'online')
'environment' => 'dev',
//use 'apache_mod_rewrite' for Apache hosting or 'iis_url_rewrite', 'iis_isapi_rewrite' for IIS hosting
'rewrite_mode' => 'apache_mod_rewrite'
Each environment is defined as part of the $__instances array, with a unique key (e.g. local).
Note: Only change db_prefix if you’ve followed step 2.2.1 (single database hosting).
Note: some users are having trouble setting the db_host. To find out your database host, either ask your hosting company or login to phpmyadmin and you should have somewhere in the upper area the string Server and next to it an URL or IP. That’s what you should put as database host.
Testing the site
If you’ve went through all previous steps, you should be done.
Open up a browser and type in your site’s URL (e.g.
Assuming that your Jobberbase installation is located at, you can access the administration panel by visiting
This section is password protected, the username being admin and the default password admin.
After the first login, be sure to change your password!
In the administration panel you can:
change settings regarding site details, job pagination, mailing options, url options and lot more
view all the jobs, activate the new ones, delete jobs, edit jobs, post a new job
change the cities (add/edit/delete) that are included by default in Jobberbase
change the categories (add/edit/delete/reorder) that are included by default in Jobberbase
change the header/footer/sidebar links
view statistical information