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Samsung partners with Hyundai to connect Smarthome to your EV

Samsung and Hyundai just announced that signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on January 3 to develop solutions for future lifestyles that fully integrate the smart home and connected cars.

The two S.Korean-based company are developing “the next-generation smart home” to connect Samsung’s SmartThings with Hyundai and Kia’s connected cars, including EVs, to develop the “Home-to-Car” and “Car-to-Home” services as well as an integrated home energy management service.

This means that the “Home-to-Car” and “Car-to-Home” services connect the smart home with in-vehicle infotainment systems, allowing for remote control in both directions. Using Samsung’s SmartThings platform, users will be able to perform a variety of actions pertaining to their cars while at home, like remote starting them, controlling air conditioning, opening and closing windows and checking their battery charging status. And from EV cars, users can control of home appliances such as TVs, air conditioners and EV chargers will also be possible.

“This is an opportunity to make the connected car’s Car-to-Home and Home-to-Car services more convenient in various fields,” said Haeyoung Kwon, Vice President of Hyundai and Kia’s Infotainment Development Center. “We plan to accelerate our technology development to continuously make global Hyundai and Kia customers’ journeys meaningful.”