Netflix is set to release a live-action adaptation of the popular manga and anime series Yu Yu Hakusho in December 2023. The series will star Takumi Kitamura as Yusuke Urameshi (Eugene), Jun Shison as Kurama (Dennis), Kanata Hongo as Hiei (Vincent), and Shuhei Uesugi as Kazuma Kuwabara (Alfred).
The series is produced by ROBOT and directed by Sho Tsukikawa. The screenplay is being written by Tatsuro Mishima.
Yu Yu Hakusho is the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent who is killed by a car while saving a child’s life. He is given a second chance at life by the Spirit World, and is tasked with working as a Spirit Detective to investigate cases involving demons.
The anime series is known for its humor, action, and complex characters. It was a huge success in Japan, and has also been popular with audiences around the world. A tagalog dub version of the anime was aired in the Philippines in the 90’s on IBC 13 and GMA 7.
Netflix announced the Japanese live-action series adaptation of Yu Yu Hakusho December 16, 2020, then on July 15, 2022, it was announced that Shō Tsukikawa would serve as the series director, with Tatsurō Mishima handling the script and Ryō Sakaguchi serving as the VFX supervisor, as well as the casting.
unveiling the cast of the live-action Yu Yu Hakusho over the next few days! stay tuned to this thread
— Netflix Anime (@NetflixAnime) July 16, 2022
Fans of the original manga and anime series are eagerly awaiting the live-action adaptation, specially with the success of the live action One Piece. They are hoping that Netflix will be able to do the series justice, and create a show that is both entertaining and faithful to the source material.
I am also excited for the release of the live-action Yu Yu Hakusho series. I have been a fan of the manga and anime series for many years, and I am curious to see how Netflix adapts it for live-action. I am also hopeful that the series will help to introduce Yu Yu Hakusho to a new audience.
All 4 seasons of the anime is available for stream on Netlfix.