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Posts published in “Instagram”

You can now leave comments on Instagram Stories

Instagram just announced that users can now leave a public comment on IG Stories. There is a caveat on who can and cannot leave a comment on IG Stories.

JM Chavaria, writing for Yugatech;

his addition enables a more public way to respond to Stories. Whereas the feature is either limited only to those who follow back each other, set to everyone, or disabled entirely.

While that is the case, as long as the Story is set to public and Story Comments is not disabled, everyone will be able to view the comments.

The social media company also published a short video on how the features works.

For users who wants to disable the features, you can do so by going to the Comments section of your STORIES then TURN OFF COMMENTING.

Instagram now allows you to add music to your profile

Instagram just added the “ADD MUSIC TO YOUR PROFILE” feature, an option that will give users the ability to add a 30-second portion of your favorite song.

To add music to your profile, you can go to EDIT PROFILE then go down to ADD MUSIC TO YOUR PROFILE section, from there you will be able to search for and select a track from the available licensed music on Instagram’s library which is also available for Reels or posts. Once you have selected your music, you can select which 30-second-long portion of the song you want to add. Once done, you will see the music that you added with the play button on your profile.

Instagram’s “ADD MUSIC TO YOUR PROFILE” feature is reminiscence of the early days of the social media networks where you can “hack” the CSS and even add music of your profile even if the feature is not available. This feature is not available to the web version of Instagram.

New Instagram Feature to Urge Teens on Healthy App Usage

Instagram’s daily active users reach a whopping 2 billion people a month and it’s no surprise that Meta is rolling out an update to encourage people to use less of the app. While it may seem counterintuitive for the company to reduce app usage, this is part of their effort to make the popular social media platform less detrimental to its users.

In the new update, the Quiet Mode feature will give “nightime nudges” on Instagram Reels or on Direct messages when the app detects that it’s been active for ten minutes late at night. On their most recent blogpost under “Giving Teens and Parents More Ways to Manage Their Time on Our Apps” dated June 27, 2023, the post says:

Update on January 18, 2024 at 3:00AM PT:

Sleep is important, particularly for young people, so we’re launching new nighttime nudges that will show up when teens have spent more than 10 minutes on Instagram in places like Reels or Direct Messages late at night. They’ll remind teens that it’s late, and encourage them to close the app.

Most phones have built-in health and wellness features to reduce screen time and app usage. But this does not guarantee teens are putting their phones down. In a literature review done by Neza Stiglic and Russell M Viner, they found out that higher screen times are associated with obesity and depressive symptoms.

Not just for kids

The company also has made Quiet Mode available to adults. Meta’s approach to focusing on providing better experiences for its younger users also extends to adults. The feature turns on automatically for app users below an age threshold. For adults engaged in activities like driving or working, Quiet Mode shuts off all notifications. It also sends an automated reply in the Direct Messages.

If a person is in Quiet Mode, other users will be able to see it. The feature changes the activity status to let other users know that the person isn’t actively on Instagram. The feature may affect content creators’ ability to engage with their followers. However, users can turn off Quite Mode anytime in the app.

Instagram also packaged another feature with the recent update. Users can filter out certain topics or emojis to ensure a more streamlined app content experience.

In addition to the rollout, Instagram also updated Parental Controls, allowing parents to monitor the app usage of children. This update lets parents access account settings, including privacy settings. Parents will then be notified of any changes or updates that have been made by the user.