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Posts tagged as “WPS”

United States, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Japan express their concern and support to the Philippines regarding Chinese Coast Guard “deliberately” ramming the BRP Teresa Magbanua


New Zealand

United States


UK Ambassador Laure Beaufils

Canadian Embassy in the Philippines releases statement in support of the Philippines regarding the water-cannon incident in the West Philippine Sea

Together with the United States, the Canadian Embassy in the Philippine also release an official statement regarding the water-cannon incident between the Chinese Coast Guard and the Philippines Coast Guard in the West Philippine Sea.

Just like the United States, Canada express their support to the PCG and “condemns the dangerous and provocative actions taken by the Chinese Coast Guard against Philippine vessels on August 5th, in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal inside the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines.”

Here the full text of Canada in the Philippines (@CanEmbPH) statement;

Canada unreservedly condemns the dangerous and provocative actions taken by the Chinese Coast Guard against Philippine vessels on August 5th, in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal inside the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines.

Unsafe maneuvers and use of water cannons to disrupt the lawful operations of Philippine vessels is unacceptable, and inconsistent with the obligations of the People’s Republic of China under international law. Continuing acts of intimidation and coercion by the PRC against its neighbours undermine safety, security and stability across the region, and raise the risks of grave miscalculation.

Canada reiterates its support for international law, including the 2016 arbitral decision on the South China Sea, which is final and binding, and calls on the PRC to comply with its obligations under international law.

Only by ensuring full respect for international law can we collectively set conditions for effective and collaborative management of maritime resources, maintenance of maritime safety and security, preservation of marine biodiversity, and respect for maritime boundaries, while ensuring the rights of all states under international law are protected.

United States release statement regarding the West Philippine Sea incident

Just hours after the incident between Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in the WPS, United States Embassy in the Philippine release a statement in support of the Philippines and the PCG.

The full text of the press release was also published on the website, with the inclusion of 2016 Hague ruling in favor of the Philippines.

Here’s the full text of the press release;

The United States stands with our Philippine allies in the face of dangerous actions by the Coast Guard and maritime militia of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to obstruct an August 5 Philippine resupply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea. Firing water cannons and employing unsafe blocking maneuvers, PRC ships interfered with the Philippines’ lawful exercise of high seas freedom of navigation and jeopardized the safety of the Philippine vessels and crew.

Such actions by the PRC are inconsistent with international law and are the latest in repeated threats to the status quo in the South China Sea, directly threatening regional peace and stability. By impeding necessary provisions from reaching the Filipino servicemembers stationed at Second Thomas Shoal, the PRC has also undertaken unwarranted interference in lawful Philippine maritime operations.

As made clear by an international tribunal’s legally binding decision issued in July 2016, the PRC has no lawful claim to the maritime area around Second Thomas Shoal, which is located well within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

The United States reiterates, pursuant to the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the arbitral decision is final and legally binding on the PRC and the Philippines. The United States calls upon the PRC to abide by the arbitral ruling as well as to respect the freedom of navigation – a right to which all states are entitled.

The United States reaffirms an armed attack on Philippine public vessels, aircraft, and armed forces—including those of its Coast Guard in the South China Sea—would invoke U.S. mutual defense commitments under Article IV of the 1951 U.S. Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.

Chinese Coast Guard fire water cannon at Philippine Ship going to Ayungin Shoal

In the latest China versus Philippines, a Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) ship blocked and fired water cannons at Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) ship going to Ayungin Shoal for a resupply mission, the PCG said in a statement on Sunday, Aug 6th, 2023.

The water-cannon incident happened on Saturday as PCG vessel were escorting indigenous boats chartered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to deliver food and supplies to military troops stationed on BRP Sierra Madre. The incident was captured on video by Philippine Coast Guard Officer Jay Tarriela and a drone video also made rounds on social media.

Philippine Coast Guard Officer Jay Tarriela said that “The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) strongly condemns the China Coast Guard’s (CCG’s) dangerous maneuvers and illegal use of water cannons against the PCG vessels escorting the indigenous boats chartered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) yesterday, 5 August 2023.” Tarriela added that “Such actions by the CCG not only disregarded the safety of the PCG crew and the supply boats but also violated international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the 1972 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), and the 2016 Arbitral Award.”

Here’s the full text of what Philippine Coast Guard Officer Jay Tarriela on his social media account;

Philippine Coast Guard Officer Jay Tarriela later posted a number of videos regarding the incident;

And “recorded evidence of the Chinese Maritime Militia working in conjunction with the Chinese Coast Guard”

It’s unclear what will be the response of Chinese envoy in the Philippine after being summoned by a deputy minister of the Philippines’ foreign affairs department.

Palace allows Chinese fishing activities in PHL exclusive econom

Malacañang said Tuesday Chinese nationals can fish in parts of the South China Sea which fall under the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. Current top breaking Philippine headlines regarding the nation, world, metro manila, regions and exclusive special investigative reports.