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Posts tagged as “University of the Philippines”

UP Diliman Executive Committee opposes the nomination of Atty. Harry Roque for a seat in the International Law Commission (ILC)

It looks like it’s not just regular people who do not want Spox. Harry Roque to be at the seat of International Law Commission (ILC) even his former employer, University of the Philippines, is against his nomination.

UP Diliman Executive Committee just released a statement opposing the nomination of Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque to be one of the 34 members of the International Law Commission (ILC), a UN body responsible for helping develop and codify international law.

In their statement, they state that “they oppose the nomination” of Atty. Harry Roque, a former UP Faculty member to the International Law Commission.

Committee added that “Atty. Harry Roque, has a very poor track record of promoting, defending and fulfilling human rights and the rule of law, especially during the administration of President Rodrigo R. Duterte.” They ended their statement saying “his inclusion in the Commission would not serve its purposes but instead diminish the reputation of the body.

I embedded the official statement released by UP below;

The statement was release after Spoks. Harry Roque drew flak for berating a group of doctors during the online IATF meeting last Tuesday.