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Posts tagged as “Politics”

House budget hearing: Sara Duterte’s DepEd accused of ‘rigged bidding’ for laptops   

Dwight de Leon, writing for Rappler;

House lawmakers moved on Monday, September 2, to compel the Department of Education to release all bidding documents in relation to the DepEd Computerization Program in 2022 and 2023, when Vice President Sara Duterte was still head of the agency.

Play VideoHouse budget hearing: Sara Duterte’s DepEd accused of ‘rigged bidding’ for laptops
Batangas 2nd District Representative Gerville “Jinky” Luistro introduced a motion to issue a subpoena duces tecum to DepEd, which the appropriations committee approved without objections.

US President Joe Biden withdraws reelection bid and endorses Kamala Harris for President

US President Joe Biden has announced that he will be dropping out of the coming US Election this November and said that he will “focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term.” President Biden then endorses his VP Kamala Harris for President.

US President Joe Biden also posted on his social media account the official announcement after Democrats and supporters are calling for Biden to withdrawal his reelection campaign.

Here’s the full text of President Joe Biden announcement;

My Fellow Americans,

Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation.

Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We’ve provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years. Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.

I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve protected and preserved our Democracy. And we’ve revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.

It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.

For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.

I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t do – when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.

It’s unclear what the main reason is for US President Joe Biden withdraw his candidacy for reelection, but if elected, Kamala Harris could be the first Female US President by the end of the 2024.

Source: CNN

Remembering Ninoy Aquino Jr. – Four Decades After His Sacrifice

A little background
Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. was a Filipino politician who served as a senator of the Philippines and governor of the province of Tarlac. He was a leading politician from the opposition and was critical of then President Ferdinand Marcos. His arrest on the evening of September 22, 1972, signaled the implementation of then President Ferdinand Marcos’ Proclamation Number 1081 that placed the Philippines under martial law. In November 1977, a military court convicted him of murder and subversion charges and sentenced him to death. He went on a 40-day hunger strike to profess his innocence.

In 1980, he suffered a heart attack and was brought to the hospital. In a surprise visit, then First Lady Imelda Marcos told him he could seek treatment in the United States. While in Boston, Massachusetts with his family for three years, he delivered lectures that focused on his advocacy for the Philippines’ return to democracy. The text of the statement he had prepared to deliver upon his return to the Philippines later became available. He dared Marcos to “order my immediate execution or set me free.” He said, “national reconciliation and unity can be achieved but only with justice, including justice for our Muslim and Ifugao brothers.” He proposed that “the workingman must be given his just and rightful share of his labor, and to the owners and managers must be restored the hope where there is so much uncertainty if not despair.” He said that subversion could not be stopped with repression but with “a more equitable distribution of wealth, more democracy and more freedom.”

The Assassination
On August 21, 1983, Ninoy Aquino was assassinated on the tarmac of Manila International Airport upon his return from self-imposed exile in Boston. His death galvanized the political opposition and led to the EDSA People Power uprising in 1986. His widow Corazon became the 11th President of the Republic. The Filipino people ratified a new Constitution in 1987 to enshrine the restoration of democracy.

Today marks the 40th death anniversary of Ninoy Aquino. It is fitting that the country’s principal gateway to international travelers has been named after him. In 2004, the date of his assassination, Aug. 21, was declared a national holiday (Republic Act 9256). Ninoy Aquino’s spirit continues to shine as a beacon of hope, reminding us that the struggle for a better future is worth every effort.

Ninoy Aquino’s legacy is one that will always be remembered by Filipinos around the world. His courage and sacrifice inspired millions to fight for democracy and freedom in their own countries. As we commemorate his death anniversary today, let us remember his words: “The Filipino is worth dying for.”

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte retires from Politics

In a surprising twist, President Rodrigo Duterte announced that he will be retiring from politics. His announcement was made while accompanying longtime aide Senator Bong Go in filing his certificate of candidacy (COC) for vice president.

His retirement means that he will no longer continue with his plans to run of the Vice President, as previously announced.

This is not the first time that Duterte announce his retirement from politics, if you can recall, in 2015, then Davao City Mayor Duterte said that he “will retire from public life for good. I believe it’s no longer my time to be in politics.”

Sen. Bong Go and President Duterte was nominated by Cusi-led faction of PDP-Laban, for President and Vice President, respectively but now that Bong Go filed for the position of Vice President and Pres. Duterte looming retirement, it’s unclear whole will the standard bearer of PDP-Laban to run for President, since Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte already filed her candidacy for a reelection for Mayor of Davao City.

Of course, we cannot discount the fact that Rodrigo Duterte can still change his mind and later run for the the VP position, since as reported by One New, this was an old strategy that Duterte already used. I guess we’ll know by Nov. 15th.

PDP-Laban Cusi-lead faction official announce its candidates for 2022 National Election

PDP-Laban faction lead by Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi has officially announced the party’s candidates for the upcoming 2022 National Election, headed by Sen. Bong Go for President and Pres. Rodrigo Duterte as his running mate for Vice President. PDP-Laban held their national convention in San Fernando, Pampanga, yesterday, September 8, 2021.

Even though Bong Go already decline the nomination, PDP-Laban officials said that the party will continue to convince him to run for the highest Government position in the country.

Contrary to Sen. Bong Go, President Rodrigo Duterte has accepted and approve his nomination to run for Vice President saying that he is running for “continuity” and his “love of country.”

Cusi’s PDP-Laban also named additional candidates for its senatorial lineup;

  • Silvestre Bello III – the current Labor Secretary
  • Salvador Panelo – Chief Presidential Legal Counsel
  • Lucy Torres-Gomez – currently the Representative for Leyte 4th District
  • Arthur Tugade – Transportation Secretary

Serving as “guest candidates” are;

  • Greco Belgica – is the Chairman for Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC)
  • Rodante Marcoleta – Representative for SAGIP Partylist
  • Harry Roque – the current Presidential Spokesperson
  • Mark Villar – is the Public Works Secretary

The other half of the PDP-Laban which is lead by Sen. Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III has yet to name their nominees, but we don’t need to wait long, since they are scheduled to have their own meeting later this month.

Source: Rappler

1Sambayan’s response to Duterte’s VP bid for 2022 election

1Sambayan, the opposition coalition that’s compose of former Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales, SC Justice Antonio Carpio and former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Albert Del Rosario, to name a few, just release their statement regarding the acceptance of Pres. Duterte for his Vice President nomination by PDP-Laban party.

Here the gist of their statement;

It shows a clear mockery of our Constitution and democratic process. Obviously, this is driven by fear of accountability both from ICC and from our own justice system. The candidacy is both legally and morally wrong, and we trust that the Filipino people will realize his brazen, selfish and self-serving motives.

Sadly, today’s declaration comes at the heels of numerous allegations of corruption and continuing EJK, even as we mourn the death of 30,000 Filipinos due to the a failed COVID-19 response.

The coalition’s statement in both Filipino and in English, to make sure that everyone will be able to read it. I embedded their original post below.

Source: @1SAMBAYAN

President Rodrigo Duterte to run for vice president in the 2022 elections

In his weekly recorded public address, President Rodrigo Duterte has confirmed that he will run for the second highest office in the country after serving as the top official in the country this coming 2022 election.

It was previously reported that Pres. Rodrigo Duterte is only running for the position to gain immunity for the law suit that he will face once he step down from the office.

It’s unclear who will be Duterte’s running-mate but PDP-Laban ‘endorses’ Bong Go-Rodrigo Duterte tandem for 2022, or a potential Father-daughter tandem for the two highest position in the country this election.

1SAMBAYAN releases their nominees for President this Election 2022

1Sambayan coalition has released their list of candidates for the next presidential polls.

The nominees of 1Sambayan for president and vice president are:

  • Chel Diokno, lawyer (Liberal Party)
  • Grace Poe, senator (Independent)
  • Vilma Santos-Recto, Batangas 6th District Representative and Deputy Speaker (Nacionalista Party)
  • Leni Robredo, Vice President of the Philippines (LP)
  • Antonio Trillanes IV, former senator (Magdalo)
  • Eddie Villanueva, CIBAC Representative and Deputy Speaker (Bangon Pilipinas)

Out of the six, only former senator Antonio Trillanes IV, (Magdalo) has announced his bid to run for the highest position in country but willing to give way should VP Leni Robredo run for the post.

The remaining 5 has yet to officially announce their 2022 electoral bids, VP Leni Robredo did mention, in an article by Inquirer, that she is “open to running for President” and a decision would be reached and announced “at the right time.”

Source: Rappler
Image: @Leni Robredo

Joma claims US can stage a coup against ‘traitor, coward’ Duterte

Communist Party of the Philippines founder and National Democratic Front of the Philippines Chief Political Consultant Jose Maria “Joma” Sison said on Saturday that the US need not fire the “first shot” against China, as Presdient Rodrigo Duterte had taunted them to do, given that they could just as easily orchestrate a coup against the Philippine president. Current top breaking Philippine headlines regarding the nation, world, metro manila, regions and exclusive special investigative reports.

Duterte’s jail threat to critics is ‘righteous indignation’: Palace President Rodrigo Duterte’s threat to jail critics should they file an impeachment complaint against him was “righteous indignation,” his spokesman said Friday.

Duterte on Thursday fumed over statements that he could be ousted if his pronouncement that Chinese fishermen can venture into Manila’s waters became a policy.

Justice Carpio refutes Duterte gov’t: China can’t fish

MANILA, Philippines (3rd UPDATE) – Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio refuted the Duterte government on Tuesday evening, June 25, and said it cannot allow Chinese fishermen to fish in the West Philippine Sea.

Carpio issued this statement after Malacañang, interpreting President Rodrigo Duterte, said the Philippines “will allow” China to fish in the West Philippine Sea “because we’re friends.”