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Posts tagged as “Dabarkads”

TAPE’s noon time show is now called “Tahanang Pinakamasaya”

In the wake of the Marikina City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 273 ruling, Television and Production Exponents (TAPE) Inc. has now changed the name of it’s noontime show to “Tahanang Pinakamasaya.”

Lead by Paolo Contis and Isko Moreno, the show’s Jan 6 episode started by acknowledging the court decision and that the production company (TAPE inc.) and network (GMA) would follow court’s ruling even though TAPE plans to file an appeal.

TVJ on the other hand, started their show by singing the “Eat Bulaga” theme song while wearing red t-shirt with the show’s name on,

TVJ, meanwhile, celebrated their victory by singing the “Eat Bulaga” theme song while wearing t-shirts that bore the show’s name on today’s episode of their noontime show on TV5.

“Eto ang totoo. Eto ang tinadhana. Eto ang tunay na ‘Eat Bulaga,'” said Vic Sotto before they officially start the show.

TAPE changing the name of their noontime show to “Tahanang Pinakamasaya” will give everyone in the company including the show’s hosts a fresh start and at the same time removing the elephant in the room of using the Eat Bulaga name.

TVJ wins trademark ownership of the “Eat Bulaga” against Television and Production Exponents (TAPE) Inc.

In a video posted on different social media platform, Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon announced that the trio won the legal battle against the Television and Production Exponents (TAPE) Inc. over the trademark ownership of the “Eat Bulaga” name.

Tito Sotto, who is reading the dispositive portion of the ruling, explained that Marikina City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 273 has ruled in favor of the trio regarding the copyright infringement and unfair competition case they had filed against the company back in June last year.

Here’s text of what Tito Sotto read from the ruling;

Wherefore, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiffs (TVJ) against the defendants (TAPE and GMA Network)

Permanently enjoining defendants Television and Production Exponents (TAPE) Inc. and GMA Network Inc. from;
1 – Using the trademarks “EB” and “Eat bulaga”, including all the logos associated with the subject parts in its shows, programs, projects or promotions.
2 – Using the EAT BULAGA jingles/ song or any part thereof in its shows, programs, projects or promotions.
3 – Airing and broadcasting a playback of any and all recorded episodes of the EAT BULAGA show prior to 31st May 2023, its segment or any portion thereof in all channels and platforms.

Here the full video of TVJ’s announcement;

The ruling comes after the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) cancels that trademarks registration of TAPE Inc. for ‘Eat Bulaga’ and ‘EB’.

In an article published on GMA News website, TAPE counsel Atty. Maggie Garduque commented on ruling;

“Yes, I already saw the decision dated Dec 22, 2023 but released by the court this January.”

“Initial reaction, among others, we were surprised that the court ruled on trademark and trademark infringement when the case pending in court is copyright infringement. We will definitely file an appeal to this decision,” Garduque said.

“There is nothing in the decision which states that since there is injunction issued to tape, TVJ can now use the trademark EB and Eat Bulaga especially that the trademark ownership is still under appeal before the IPO,” he added.

IPOPHL cancels TAPE Inc.’s registration of the trademarks ‘Eat Bulaga’ and ‘EB’

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) cancels that trademarks registration of TAPE Inc. for ‘Eat Bulaga’ and ‘EB,’ The IPOPHL Bureau of Legal Affairs’ ruling dated December 4, favors the position of former “Eat Bulaga” hosts Tito and Vic Sotto and Joey de Leon (TVJ), and stated that they are the rightful owners of the “Eat Bulaga” trademark, given the testimony and explanation they, specially Joey de Leon is the one who coined the term “EAT BULAGA”.

IPOPHL states “having sufficiently established how Petitioners coined the EAT BULAGA mark, it is Petitioners and not Respondent-Registrant who owns the mark. Considering that the Petitioners are the owners, they have absolute and exclusive right to register the EAT BULAGA mark and all variations thereto, including the Subject Mark EAT BULAGA and the EB mark, under its name.”

Here’s a copy of IPOPHL statement;

It’s unclear what TAPE Inc. will do next but if possible they will surely make an appeal to reconsider, since the only thing that’s keeping the TAPE-produced show relevant is the name “EAT BULAGA” and “EB”.

As for TVJ’s side, now that the trademark is cancelled, they will surely secure the name for themselves and their show. Unless of course an appeal is made and turn-over IPOPHL’s cancellation of the registration.