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Aster Sanad launches Specialized Philippine OB/GYN Clinic in Riyadh

In a special ceremony, Aster Sanad has announce that they are opening a specialized Philippine OB/GYN clinic in Riyadh. The ribbon cutting ceremony was held last Wednesday, October 10th with their special guest Ms. Lucille Gayaman, Assistant Labor Attaché of the Embassy of the Philippines in Riyadh with Aster Sanad CEO, Dr. Essam Algamdi and OB/GYN Doctor Allyn Abuy.

We are pleased to announce the opening of our specialized Philippine OB/GYN clinic in Riyadh, dedicated to serving Filipino women!

A special thanks to Ms. Lucille T. Gayaman for attending the opening ceremony with our CEO, Dr. Essam Algamdi.

We also offer special discounts and exclusive packages on all hospital services to ensure high-quality, affordable care.

Because we always care about you at #Aster_Sanad_Hospital, you can now #book your #appointment by contacting us at đź“ž 920004417