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OpenAI launched SearchGPT, an AI-powered Search Engine

OpenAI has announce the launch of SearchGPT, a prototype search engine designed to revolutionize the way we interact with information online. This new tool aims to combine the strengths of OpenAI’s advanced AI models with real-time internet data to provide users with fast, accurate, and contextually relevant answers.

SearchGPT is an AI-powered search engine desgined to leverages the capabilities of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, to deliver timely and precise information. Unlike traditional search engines, SearchGPT is designed to respond to queries in a conversational manner, allowing users to ask follow-up questions and receive answers that build on previous interactions.

Unlike the traditional search form, SearchGPT uses a large textbox asking users “What are you looking for?,” this is similar to what Facebook “What’s on your mind?” and X’s “What’s happening?” asks its users. But instead of the usual plain text and links on the search result, SearchGPT will try to organize the summarizes the result then provide a short description with the attribution links.

You can watch the video below for the demo as published by OpenAI;

We’re testing SearchGPT, a prototype of new search features designed to combine the strength of our AI models with information from the web to give you fast and timely answers with clear and relevant sources. We’re launching to a small group of users and publishers to get feedback. While this prototype is temporary, we plan to integrate the best of these features directly into ChatGPT in the future.

OpenAI has partnered with various news publishers, which include organizations like the Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, and Vox Media, to ensure that high-quality content is highlighted and easily accessible. SearchGPT is currently being tested by 10,000 test users.

Source: The Verge