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Disney Plus’ new science fiction animated series Iwájú features a futuristic Nigeria

Disney just dropped a new trailer for its newest animated series Iwaju. Set in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria, the animated series will explore themes of class divide and inequality.

Watch the trailer below:

The trailer reveals a young girl named Tola and her cyborg critter pet Otin. Otin is an Agama lizard, also called a rainbow lizard for their striking color patterns. Tola’s new cyber friend will be a hero of sorts as it becomes Tola’s protector.

Important to point out though: Disney did not animate Iwaju. The series is a collaboration between Britain-based company Kugali Media and Disney+. African artists, who comprise a majority of Kugali media, founded the company with the goal of telling African stories through animation and media.

Iwájú Series Poster

Iwaju’s creator, Ziki Nelson, takes inspiration from Lagos being a melting pot of cultures in Africa, and says that the city has a “distinct feel”.

The series will stream on Disney+ on February 28.