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Mariah Carey Gives Filipino Fans a Pass to Play ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’ in September

Mariah Carey, the American singer, songwriter, and actress, recently took to X (formerly Twitter) to acknowledge her Filipino fans, whom she affectionately refers to as her “lambs”. The singer reposted an art card from one of her fan pages that highlighted how her song “All I Want For Christmas Is You” had been streamed over 316,000 times on Spotify by her Filipino fans as of September 1st.

In a tweet on September 3, 2023, Carey acknowledged her Filipino fans, affectionately known as “lambs,” and gave them a pass to start playing her song early.

“Not yet!!!! I’ll allow it for my Filipino lambs though! (I don’t make the rules!)” Carey tweeted.

The tweet was met with a positive reaction from her Filipino fans, who thanked her for the gesture.

Here’s some of the tweet responses;

The tradition of playing “All I Want for Christmas Is You” in September in the Philippines dates back to the early 2000s. The song became popular in the country after it was featured in a local TV commercial.

Since then, the song has become a part of the Filipino Christmas tradition, and it is often played in malls, restaurants, and other public places.

Mariah Carey’s gesture is a sign of her appreciation for her Filipino fans. It also shows that she understands the importance of the song to them.

Here’s the official music video of Mariah Carey – All I Want For Christmas Is You;