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DFA welcomes the return of four abused Filipino nurses from Saudi Arabia, November 12th, 2022.

Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced the safety return of four (4) abused Filipino Nurses from Saudi Arabia.

The four nurses originally filed a labor complaint against their employer for maltreatment, verbal and physical abuse, and unpaid salaries. The employer retaliated by filing cases against them for theft and labor contract violations for which they were eventually detained, to which the 4 OFW lost the case then later detained.

While in detention, DFA provided the workers with legal and welfare assistance and was able to successfully secure their release and repatriated back to the Philippines.

“The release from detention and the repatriation of the four nurses are proof that the DFA remains fully committed to its mandate to assist our distressed overseas Filipinos, especially when they are victims of abuses by their employers,” affirmed DFA Acting Undersecretary for Migrant Workers’ Affairs Eduardo Jose A. De Vega.

Source: Philippine Embassy in Saudi Arabia.