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Saudi Government will no longer shoulder the COVID-19 cost for patients in private hospital

Saudi Arabia will no longer pay for the treatment of COVID-19 cost for patients in private private sector.

This was announced by Council of Health Insurance (Dhaman) last Tuesday, 14th of March, that the government will no longer bear the treatment costs of COVID-19 patients in the private hospitals and other health facilities. The announcement was made through a Dhaman circular sent to all the approved healthcare service providers and the qualified health insurance companies in the Kingdom.

Dhaman circular also emphasis the need to be vaccinated as well as take the booster shots for all the people inside the Kingdom in accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Public Health Authority (Weqaya).

Patients who are not eligible with for treatment or insurance coverage, can still avail of the services by getting the approval from MoH.

For more details, you can read the full report from Saudi Gazette;