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Trillanes warns voters against Ferdinand Marcos Sr. for the “greatest robbery of a government”

In a tweet (embedded above), Former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV warns voters against the Marcos family and Ferdinand Marcos Sr. in particular for holding the “Greatest robbery of a Government.”

He added that “Don’t take my word for it. I-google nyo” referring to the conduct their own research regarding the issue.

In the Guinness World Records article;

The government of the Philippines announced on 23 Apr 1986 that it had succeeded in identifying $860.8 million (£569.5 million) salted away by the former President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos (1917–89) and his wife Imelda. The total national loss from November 1965 was believed to be $5–$10 billion.

Trillanes is running for Senator under the opposition standard-bearer Vice President Leni Robredo. He is also known as one of Duterte’s fierce critic even before he won he became the President of the country.