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Philippine Red Cross releases report for their COVID-19 pandemic response accomplishment

A day after President Duterte threaten to stop any government transactions with the Philippine Red Cross (PRC), the humanitarian agency releases their first report regarding their COVID-19 pandemic response accomplishment.

These are the numbers so far;

  • Tested 4,199,910 swab and saliva samples, which is 22% of all tests conducted in PH.
  • Vaccinated 205,060, where 31.35% or 64,288 are fully vaccinated.
  • Helped 3,253 patients in isolation
  • Deployed 121 medical tents in 62 hospitals that served 34,660 patients.

Also included in the report are the numbers of patients served by their ambulance and the people who ate the hot meals served by their rolling kitchen. You can also see the numbers for their blood services, dialysis treatments as well as those who received covalescent plasma from PRC.