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NUJP release statement after Military tells media to “Exercise Prudence”

National Union of Journalists of the Philippine just release a statement after Military tells media to ‘exercise prudence’ after a Chinese crafts chase Filipino crew who are within the Philippine territory.

For context, a Filipino civilian vessel with the ABS-CBN news team aboard was chased by a Chinese military sea vessel equipped with missiles. You can read the full report here – LOOK: Chinese vessels hound Philippine fishing boat.

Department of National Defense (DND) and AFP then release two separate statements, regarding the incident and said that “The AFP is concerned with the safety and well-being of our Kababayans that we have been forthright and transparent in our reporting about the situation in our EEZ”. Here’s the full report from Rappler – DND orders probe into Chinese ships’ harassment of Filipino TV crew.

You can read the AFP’s full statement below;