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Mayor Isko Moreno signs the Manila anti-discrimination ordinance

Mayor Isko Moreno signs the Manila anti-discrimination ordinance (Ordinance No. 8695) or the Manila LGBTQI Protection Ordinance of 2020, which takes effect immediately.

The ordinance establishes and protects the rights of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queers and Intersex (LGBTQI) in the City of Manila against any and all forms of discrimination solely on the basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE).

The following are the banned acts specified by the ordinance on the basis of “actual or perceived SOGIE”;

  • To deny employees access to opportunities for promotion, transfer, training, schooling or any other benefit which are otherwise granted to other employee.
  • To deny students admission and or to expel, dismiss or prevent them from graduating.
  • Subjecting persons to physical or verbal harassment, profiling, unjust detention and involuntary confinement.

The city’s anti-discrimination ordinance also requires establishments operating in Manila to create their gender-neutral toilets come 2023.

The Manila anti-discrimination ordinance also mandates the creation of the Manila Gender Sensitivity and Development Council (MGSDC) which will be formed through an executive order. MGSDC is a technical working group mandated to document and monitor complaints concerning violations of the ordinance, assist victims of discrimination, recommend anti-discrimination policies to the City Council, and review all existing policies, codes, and other government documents to make sure that they are free of discriminatory statements.

Source: Rappler, @IskoMoreno