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Student receives motivational quotes from Jollibee staff

Here’s something to put a smile on our face, Grade 11 student Mickey Martinez from University of Asia and the Pacific got more than what she ordered, when she requested for some “motivational quote” to help with her mid-term, which she wrote on the “special request” box, at the bottom of the order form.

She wrote:

Unknown to her the staff of Jollibee Express Delivery banded together and wrote some motivational and even inspiring ones to Mickey Martinez.

A Jollibee Manager even went out of his way to personally give her a “gift” to motivate her further.

Even on online, @Jollibee did not forgot to send her some words of encouragement.

So next time placing an order online, never forget to make that “special request”, who knows, someone reading your order may just go the extra mile to grant it.